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Use of photographs

If interested in using my photography for advertisement etc please see pricing below. Contact via mail.


Photography, one time use licence online:

3500 NOK/350 USD


Photography, multi use licence online:

6500 NOK/650 USD


Photography, full ownership licence online:

12000 NOK, 1200 USD


Printed matter:

Advertisement, Brochure, Advertising, standard 3500 NOK/350 USD


Advertisement, Brochure, Advertising - 

whole page: 4000 NOK/400 USD


Advertisement, Brochure, Advertising - Double page: 5000 NOK/500 USD


Advertisement, Brochure, Advertising - Frontpage: 5500 NOK/550 USD


The prices apply to all printed matter such as newspapers, magazines, brochures or annual reports. Prices apply for one photo and one time use.



Book, half page or less - 1.500 NOK/150 USD

Book, up to whole page - 2.000 NOK/200 USD

Book, double page -  2.500 NOK/250 USD

Book, frontpage/cover - 3.000 NOK/300 USD

The prices apply to one-time use, when reprinting books (multiple editions) 50% of the starting price is calculated.

Discount: 3-6 photos, 10% 7-10 photos, 15% 11 or more 20%.



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